Mystical halloween....
id: 10036601

Halloween is coming!) Start start to be afraid... This widespread popular day is not typical Slavic holiday.Halloween came into Slavic culture about 15 years ago no longer and very fast has won it's popularity among Russian and Ukrainian people espessially among youth.This fact tells again that our world becomes smaller Borders disappear and cultures mix.We are from different countries and different cultures,we all have own traditions and customs but at the same time we all are one big endlessly beautiful wonderful world.We are so much different but at the same time so much alike! We live here and today to make life of this Planet better and to preserve and develop our national traditions and pass them on to future generations. Halloween originates from the harvest festival and the days of the dead, which the ancient Celts traditionally celebrated. They believed that at the end of October, the dark part of the year replaces the light (summer-winter), therefore, the main colors of Halloween are black - symbolizing death and darkness. and orange is a symbol of harvesting. The legend says that on this night the dead come to life, whose spirits walk among people, which is why it is customary to put on costumes and hide their faces behind masks that day so that the spirits cannot recognize a person and take him to the other world.On this day, girls can tell fortunate ones, the atmosphere and energy of Halloween perfectly contribute to this. But not only girls that day can look into the future, it is believed that guys can make their most secret desires, and one of them will soon come true.So we can say that it is also the day for all girls and unmarried women to open a little bit future and to see there beloved) Dear unmarried- use this chance!You can tell fortunes by cutting a pumpkin. To do this, divide it into two equal parts, conceive a desire and count the seeds. If there are more of them in the right half, this means that your desire will be fulfilled.Cut a large apple into 9 equal parts. Eat 8 of them, and throw the ninth over your left shoulder. If you quickly look around, out of the corner of your eye you can see the look of the future spouse.Prepare a coin, a ring, a button, a heart cut out of red paper, a cockleshell, a key and an empty bottle. Arrange all objects in a circle. Place the bottle in the center of the circle and turn it clockwise. When it stops, look at what subject the neck will point to - this will be the main event of the year.Ring - Wedding,Coin - wealth,Button - Loneliness,Heart is love,Shell - travel,The key is success.You can perform this ritual in the company of friends: everyone should sit in a circle and turn the bottle in turn, passing the opportunity from participant to participant - counterclockwise.))Why not to relax and to have fun?:)So Halloween traditions are quite different. You can relate to this holiday as you wish, but you cannot deny that one more reason for fun is never superfluous .. Enjoy the fear... Valeria
