Today is a new wonderful day, so I want to try to think about important things! On the way to happiness, we face difficulties. For some couples, they become a test that the lovers pass together hand in hand, and for other couples it becomes the hell from which they run headlong. I want to talk about success in relationship. What both of partners should do to save their relationship. I want you see my way of thinking. Thanks to it you will know how to act when happiness would coming! I always try to structure my thoughts, so I do the same at this time. 1. The hardest part in relationship is being completely yourself to the core and exposing who you are...knowing that someone you are interested might see something they don't like and turn away. It is very important to remain yourself in any circumstances. And do not be afraid to show your flaws. Sometimes it happens that a person may fall in love in a not very good trait of your character. It`s funny but it happens! And person will be warned about your shortcomings and will know what he is going on. And this is very important. I don’t want to hear from my man after a couple of years that he married on one woman and I turned out to be completely different. No need to pretend, we are all unique and each is one of a kind. 2. Secondly, if you feel that a person who is near for you are not needed you but you are afraid of hurting his feelings, you should say the truth!. You should not be afraid. Truth is the best you can do for this person. Why cheat, reassure her if you know in advance that nothing will come of it. Tell the truth, if you lie to yourself and to the person next to you, you simply torment his feelings and yours too. Just be honest and don't be afraid to give up what no longer makes you happy! And this is not selfishness! It`s just a attempt to be honest! 3.Build partnerships between you. I `m sure that it should be between man and woman! I want to be the kind of woman who trying to care about her man. Who tries to keep the house clean, prepare a delicious dinner, and just be gentle and caring. My mother always said that the family is a big mechanism. My father and she are partners in family life. He - protects us, makes important decisions, makes money, and my mother helps him in every possible way creating comfort and harmony in his house and his soul. That's why my parents have been together for 30 years. And the main thing in all this is that a person chooses his own destiny and his own path. It is important who will be next on you on this path. If you go with a woman who holds you hand in her, she supports you, believes in you, helps you, prepares dinner for you, waits at home under a warm blanket, then you can reach the heights, achieve success and just be happy. I would like to become such a person for my man so that with my support he can turn mountains.
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