Scientists have been studying the human character and psyche for many years. Psychologists, sociologists and other scientists devote a lot of time to this. They come up with more and more personality classifiers. And they devote their whole lives to researching personal qualities so that we can better understand ourselves. But do we know about these studies, and if we do, do we use them in everyday life ...? For example, socionics divides people into as many as 16 types. Have you heard anything about socionics? Feng Shui highlights the dominant elements in people: wood, fire, soil, metal, water. There are a huge number of horoscopes: oriental, Slavic and many many others ... Why are they all created and do they really reflect our features? Their knowledge helps us better understand ourselves and others. And effectively communicate with yourself and other people, accepting them as they are. It is important that each type of personality is not absolute, there is no person who is 100% choleric, there will be other temperaments in him, they just appear to a lesser extent. When you read descriptions of any type, you always understand - this is about me, but these couple of points are not suitable. And then we begin to think that all this is nonsense. Although in fact we are dominated by the characteristics of absolutely all kinds, just to a different extent. What personality types do you know about?
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