Who said that love for sure needs to be found when you are young? Society these days forces us to do it since most of people fall in love when you are about 20-30, but it doesn`t mean that anyone should do it! Of course I doesn`t say that that a good couple can`t be formed in this age either) But I want to say you that it is better to forget about all the scenarios and labels that people like to hang on the others. Everyone makes their own decision when the right time comes. There is nothing wrong to be patient and wait for your special person ... it will just show you as a person who loves yourself and protect your heart from destruction and dissapointment. Better to stay alone for a while, than all your life to regret that you didn`t wait for your chosen one or that you agreed on the very first one you`ve met. Do you agree with me? So it is better not to rush ... love should be natural. IT DOES EXIST ... just be patient and wait.
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