Hugge- the art to enjoy moment.. Now,when the days are rainy or grey it is the very moment to get know with Danish philosophy to enjoy life and moment-HUGGE.According to opinion polls, the Danes are the happiest people in Europe. In addition,they regularly meet with friends and family and more often than others feel peace and tranquility."Hugge" comes from the Norwegian word for well-being, well-being. Today, interest in it is growing all over the world.But how to create it? There are not many secrets.Invite guests-chatting with friends and family on social networks will never replace the real one.Therefore, the hugge can be fully felt only in the circle of close people with whom you can relax and be yourself. It is better to meet them at home, but not in a cafe or restaurant. Why not to start the tradition of gathering the whole family for Sunday dinner or inviting friends to play board games on Saturday evening? Phones and other gadgets at this time is better off.What can be better than to see pretty open smiles of your close people)to feel touch of hand and maybe cuddle with your beloved.Learn to cook deliciously)It must not be smth extremly SuperB dish like in luxury restaurant) But simple tea or coffee with unusual omlette-it is already warmth) comfort and pleasure?Why not?:) Try to wear very comfortable clothes-Sneakers and loafers instead of high-heeled shoes, cozy oversize coats instead of short jackets, hoodies, warm sweaters, soft scarves, long cardigans, wide trousers, etc.The best things in life we get for nothing. The beauty of the world, the laughter of children, the smiles of loved ones, a calm evening at home with a loved one or with a good book - these are the moments that make up the happiness of life. And you need to be able to value them, not material wealth.Life cannot be limited only to work and family chores. It is very important that you have a creative activity that brings pleasure - origami, knitting, pottery, watercolor painting, and flower arrangements. Bonus: while your hands are busy, you can be alone with your thoughts.And always remember that such simple things like candels,warm wool blanket,light soft colors,a cup of coffee or milk with honey,maybe calm classic music.Give preference to natural materials that are nice to touch - wood, wool, linen, clay. Try using simple tricks to make the house and office the places you want to come to, and you will immediately feel happier. It really is worth the time and effort.There is more hyugge in a cup of tea than in a glass of champagne, in board games - than in computer.There is much more pleasure in sitting comfortably in arm-chair and drinking hot chokolatte than in drinking martini on noisy party.Enjoy every day of life. Enjoy each minute and moment. And don't forget that in our rush times it is very important just to stop to go forward.Enjoy Hugge)Love your life... Julia)
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