Hello, not everyone knows the secret of happiness, and many people spend their lives looking for happiness! did you learn this secret?? In my Blog I want to tell a secret and I hope to give you a smile and happiness!! I am happy but not so necessary-to meet a person with whom I am not just good,, even if in my life everything is bad. Even if the world around is falling apart, but in his hands I want to feel protection and peace of mind. And there is no need for words. Sometimes, to support a person, it is enough just to be close. Sometimes, to make a person happy, just hug him! And in order not to lose this happiness, it must be valued every second, every moment... do you agree? I at all think that Happiness near. In the colors of nature, in the night sky, in the stars, in the moon. Happiness is in the fresh air, in silence, in music. Happiness to see a person as he is only for you. Happiness see the good in every breath, the beat of the heart. Happiness is to find an ideal that motivates you, a person who inspires. Happiness to learn more and more new things every day. Happiness is to hold hands with a loved one, kiss Mom, hug a dog. Happiness is life. Happiness, to breathe, to move forward, not to stop even for a second. Happiness to create their own little world, where everything is possible. Happiness is not material, but if you try, you can touch it with a piece of your soul. What is your happiness do you agree? I would very much like to get an answer from you! If you are in search of happiness, then I will help you! Solo_Girl
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