I started writing this post three times - about love, and washed it all three times. Because it turned out to be tedious, and this, the fourth time, is not the fact that it will turn out better, but I will try. All people love someone, and all people sooner or later ask themselves, or others, or who turns up by the arm - what is love? Some are so desperate to find the answer to this question that, in general, they begin to assure that there is no love at all, but we strongly reject this idea. We strongly believe in love and, moreover, we constantly feel it ourselves, but all the time we doubt - is this love? But is this love? To love is not in the storefront to choose a jacket for yourself in size and style, and then walk in it then young and beautiful. It will be necessary to work hard, sadly. That love is not a feeling, but an action, it is activity, and for love, movement and work of the soul are required. In fact, to love is to do something, even if these actions are only spiritual and are not visible from the outside. And so, so - falling in love and then sitting on pink clouds all my life - will not work. Alas. And let's highlight four main features of love together? Care, responsibility, respect and knowledge are interdependent, intertwined and merged together. And if it happens that these four components are combined, and if you add another pinch of magic to them, then you will get real love. All that and nothing. Only four components and a pinch of magic will lift you up to the cloud of love. So right now, together, spread your wings and take off onto the cloud of love, Find Bride will help us with this.
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