It seems that the modern world does not cease to impose on us that we are all individual and different, like fingerprints. Perhaps there is some truth in this, but most of our desires and interests are the same, work, home, family, and so on. In the evening we can sit at a bar with friends, or just walk, in any case we talk about how each other is doing, we criticize politicians and eternal dilemmas about religion. But this is until we get home, at home we are overcome by loneliness, no matter how many friends we have, and even the TV does not help to avoid those thoughts that have eaten into our heads with baldness. But why these thoughts? Thoughts that we are alone, that we don’t have anyone to hug and tell what we feel, you won’t share your feelings with your friends or give that love to which our lonely heart is full. But how to avoid such thoughts? Dream? Dreaming about how you wake up in the morning with your loved one, a morning kiss that invigorates is better than strong black coffee, then pancakes and coffee in the kitchen. Then rush to work, where to spend the whole day with thoughts about your soul mate ... Arriving home, dinner, an evening in front of the TV or a walk in the park, of course, together. Share thoughts and feelings, feel the vibration of your partner’s voice and the warmth of your hands. Oh, such things can be endlessly imagined, right? And this is exactly what you are looking for, yes yes, it is you, the one who read up to this point, most likely you recognized yourself? Maybe in part, I'm not a psychic or a fortuneteller and my judgments are quite superficial, but we have the same essence and purpose. Many books can be written about this, on thousands of pages, but I try to convey it briefly, I have no goal of writing books (at this moment in my life). What stops us to make this, our desires, real? Fear of age difference? Fear that a person who is cute is just playing with feelings? Some find finding their person more difficult. Nope, it's simple, Einstein said - "Everything should be as simple as possible, but no simpler than that." He was right, everything is simple, you do not need to succumb to the stereotypes of the 21st century and just listen to your heart and brain! To grow up, religion, politics, race - drop these prejudices and take a step towards meeting fate. Family is the goal, and the road to this thorny goal while we limit ourselves. In conclusion, I would like to say that we can achieve this as long as we are sincere, I did not try to hide and write flattering and beautiful words, but simply sincerely decided to express thoughts that we all already knew! Do you agree? Thank you for paying attention to this, I am pleased that someone finds it interesting!)
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