*Sterile Communication: Electronic* The most sterile communication in the world issssss. electronic. Electronic communications removes all of the normal social cues I need to carry on a conversation with others. Being an autistic person, I do not always pick up on the face-to-face social cues with facial expression, tone of voice, and body langauge. None of these are available in electronic communications. The only exception occurs when emoticons are used, for example: smiley :-), a winkie ;-), laughing :-D, big grin 8-D, sad frown :-(, crying :'-(, surprise :-O, kiss :-*, playful :-P, and so forth. If you lace your words, dreams, thoughts with these kinds of emotions (you would normally express on your face, tone of voice, or body langauge) for me to comprehend with this media is completely lost. I require to have emoticons embedded in the message. Otherwise the message is lost to me. *Hearsay vs Evidence* Hearsay occurs when you give information from a non-firsthand source. The dreams and fantasy in our minds is hearsay. It is not first-hand fact. Until our dreams are planned and performed, they are like vapor and can disappear as quickly as they form. In a court of law, hearsay is not admissible as valid testimony. Evidence is tangable verifiable fact of something. It can be photographed, recorded, measured, analysed, described in detail, repeated, or reproduced. *Impossible Dreams and Evidence and Perception* Sometimes forward looking dreams conflict with evidence available through research. This would make the ipossibility of the dream invalid. Example: You say "I can't wait for you to visit my country." When my profile says I have no passport and no money to travel. What I conclude after statement like this is that 1- proper research wasn't done on the sole source of information available (my profile) and 2- a template letter was used to send to me. In fact, if there is no mention of me and researchable things from the profile (or photos), then I am to assume you do not know anything of my profile. You are just going through the motions without any regard nor respect of what you can know. All letters and chat text sent to me are about the different hearsay going through your mind, never once considering the factual research you have about me (or any of the men on the site). *Men hunt. Women shop* We men-folk are like hunters. We hunt our prey looking for tangible evidence before us. We look for tracks, broken branches and twigs, lost clumps of fur while we track what we hunt while we seek a trail of evidence. Women are much like bees. They can go from dream to fantasy to dream just as bees go from flower to flower as they perceive the scent and color of the flowers. The scent and color of the flowers do not attract a hunter. I'm not saying it is bad to dream and fantasize. Dreams and fantasy need to be a part of an overall tangible plan that can fit the available known research. A person without legs can dream of having legs to run, skip, and jump. Yet, we all know the legs will never regrow on their own.
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