Hello everyone, many people ask me:"How can I learn English faster?" And I always send a list of lifehacks which I use in my life, too! So if you do really want to speak fluent English/French/German/Russian, you should follow these rules. 1). You should always try. If you are scared of making a stupid mistake, you will never start. Rome was not built in a day! All of us had the beginners level, but we didn't give up and followed our dream. As many languages you know, as many times you are a human being! Just remember that it gives you so many opportunities and chances to find a nice person, to discover the new world for you, to see new cultures! "One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way." - Frank Smith. So believe in yourself and don't be afraid to make mistakes. If you are a shy person, just to talk to yourself in English while cooking or driving a car. Also, you can listen to a disc with records. I know a guy who learned Russian in 3 month when he was listening to such a disc in traffic jams! 2. Listen, watch and learn! You can listen to foreign music, watch movies or TV shows. I like come back home from a hard working day and listen to BBC channel. I try to understand each word and write down idioms which I've never heard before. 3. Use dating sites! If you come online, you are free to talk about anything. On findbride you can meet people from different countries and learn their slang. 4. Netlfix. It was a gift from the heavens!) People like watching Netflix with subtitles here in Ukraine. I always recommend my friends to watch Netflix, because it can be a binge-watching of different shows in English! I adore it. 5. Traveling. When you travel, you have to talk to other people. This is a great way out of your comfort zone. If you want to solve a problem or find the right route, speak a foreign language. In a critical situation, the brain begins to work more actively! 6. Read books. Write letters or messages in chat. You will improve your grammar! I hopem my lifehacks will help those who are looking for love abroad... And you will get married faster!
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