We can appreciate something only when we lose it.This wise statement always be very important for for me through all my life.Even little things we are usually don't care about become a big thing when we lose them. This life is full of expectations and i don't want to concentrate on bad things and our problems.Life is too short to waste it on a bad thoughts.You know when you are young you have different experience and now i see so many things i wasn not able to see then. So for this reason i think that find a good man who would follow your hearth in this life is the reason number one why i am writing this text here.I believe that everyone will find own destiny and everybody will give from this life all that deserved.I don't know about karma but i do believe in bad things and good and they do differnce in your life. I want to put some jou in my life routine.In that case when i ll be older i will not regret all the things i have not done by that time.
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