Hello. I decided to disclose the topic of relations between a man and a woman in her new blog. Women and men have different thinking. And because of this, sometimes misunderstandings arise between them. It is elementary even on the example of the fact that a man is focused on one thing, and a woman can do several things at the same time. Due to the fact that different sexes have their own structure of thinking, different opinions about relationships and what they should be appear. There are certain rules of relations between people that would achieve the perfect balance and not lose the spark between each other. Someone will surely feel as if I urge the relationship to devalue and throw it out of my life. This is by no means the case. Here I am talking about how to learn how to maintain mutual joy with a partner. First Rule of Relationship: Do Not Set Rules The point is not to create the “right” relationship, but to understand what you yourself want and what you can really count on with a person nearby. The second rule: "Do not play with the feelings of a loved one" One of the most common problems in relationships is unrequited feelings: almost always one is attached and “loves” more, the other less. Such a difference in feelings tends to increase - it has its own vicious circle, which, being released by gravity, leads to the breakdown of relations. Third is correct: "Do not rush with serious decisions" The biggest problems in relationships begin when the partners bind each other: marriage, joint property, children, etc. I do not say that it’s not necessary to communicate. But to weigh everything thoroughly so as not to plunge into endless ordeals - at least, is reasonable. The fourth rule: "Do not close your eyes to the cold" If a loved one stably behaves cold and callous, you can always be offended by him, or you can just understand that a person is not so close, or maybe even a stranger. And the real problem all this time was not his cold, but again - our own capricious misconceptions about someone else's account. In fact, this is only the smallest rules that exist to create an ideal relationship, but the most important thing is of course the feelings that you and your loved one will always feed. Everything really depends on ourselves and how we accept the troubles and the habits of our loved ones. I want to wish everyone to find their soul mate and be happy together. I hope my blog article will help to maintain a long and strong relationship for everyone who reads it. If you liked it, I can tell you more about the “rules” in the next post. I love everyone, to new posts.
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