It’s more pleasant to look at a girl when her eyes are playing, a smile is shining. You aren’t sawing trifles for all kinds of nonsense. Because you were late, because you forgot some important date, because you didn’t buy bread home .. Making your woman like that is not very difficult. Give flowers for no reason, invite you to the movies without a hint, without praising yourself, your beloved, bring breakfast to bed ... It's so easy to make small but vivid impressions in the life of your girl. Of course you can do without all this tinsel, romance and continue to coexist together, dissolving in the cycle of gray everyday life, but for what? There will be no strong, durable and reliable construction of life, a home, a family without interspersing joyful moments, consisting of unexpected and stunning surprises. One day, everything will turn into an ordinary everyday life, with sad and unpredictable consequences. You should see happiness in the eyes of your girl, and not on her social network page. Look after actions, not words. To love with heart, and not in endless dialogs. To be faithful in actions, not in empty promises. Support not only in ups, but in downs. Just be there, not self-alleviating, not letting it go. Arrange mini-holidays for your princess and believe me, everything will turn into one big holiday in which you will become the happiest man in the world.
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