Many women complain about the bad and disrespectful attitude of men! Very often I hear my friends say "he doesn’t hear me", "he doesn’t give me time", "he is constantly aggressive," he doesn’t give a damn about my opinion "and so on .. Yes, it really can be in a person, after all, not all people are good in this world.. But then the question arises: where were your eyes before you started a relationship with him? Indeed, if a person is angry, aggressive, treats you badly and does not respect you, then what kind of love can we talk about? Or maybe the person is good and loves you and is ready to support .. but the matter is in you! After all, a woman is a reflection of her man! And a man is a reflection of his woman) If you do not respect his desires, then what is chance that he will respect your desires? If you are rude to him, then he will become rude too ... If you are not interested in his life, why will he be interested in yours? If you do not need his advices and do everything yourself, then why should he think about your opinion!? Look in the mirror, not only you are there, imagine that your soulmate is there! If you close your eyes, then he/she will close! If you kiss the reflection, then he/she will kiss you! If you spit on he/she, then wait for a spit in response! Do you understand what I'm talking about? As you relate to a person, so the person will relate to you! Start giving your love and you will feel even more in return! Remmember: His attitude is result of my attitude to him! and vice versa!
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