Is jealousy normal or not?
id: 10039361

Is jealousy normal or not? Is it stupid or natural? How many people around us say that it’s bad to be jealous, that only losers and insecure people are jealous, that jealousy undermines confidence in relationships, that true love is not jealous ... I’m convinced that this is just complete nonsense. It seems to me that many will not argue with the fact that a healthy egoism should be present in every person. It is he who makes us develop, strive for something, achieve something for ourselves, make our life more comfortable and better. Jealousy is a feeling born of a mixture of egoism and realism. Here, for example, as a large number of people say? If you are jealous, you are not self-confident and do not trust your man, thinking that somewhere there is a girl who is capable of attracting your man in some way, and later - intimate relationships and lies ... Any realist understands that every event in the world has its own probability. For some events, it is zero, for some, this probability is negligible. But the likelihood of a man meeting a girl who will somehow like him more than the current one - this probability is not at all insignificant, and we understand this, intuitively or consciously. And bearing in mind this probability, we also understand that we are not ready to abandon this person in case of what. Well, what kind of reasonable person would be ready to just abandon his beloved? Why is it normal to be afraid to break your favorite thing, it is normal to be afraid to lose an apartment, but not normal to be afraid to lose (in any way) a very close and dear person? It seems to me and it turns out that self-doubt and distrust of a man are just "awareness of the probability of a certain event and the desire to prevent it," that's all. And here we come to that jealousy is a normal sense of ownership. Not low and unworthy, but quite ordinary and natural. Love, be interesting, support and be jealous. these are all our different sides of the relationship, and they all make us what we are
