I am a happy person) With these words, I start every day) And how do you start your day? I think a lot of depend from our mood, our motivation and our acts! We are making our life and if our treatment to everything is positive, the most probability that the succes are waiting for you! I am very optimistic and my parents taught me to value life and what it gives us! We should be happy that we can walk, see, hear, love, just live and much more. Many do not have what we have! Therefore, if it is difficult for you, if despondency, disappointment and anger covers you, think that somewhere there are people who have more difficult situation than you, but they do not lose heart and do not give in! For me it is a good motivation! In any way you can looking for support in close people! It's help too! "Do you consider yourself a happy person?" When people are asked this question, they find a thousand reasons to say "no, i am not happy, I need ..." Everyone wants something more - someone needs love, someone needs more tenderness, career, wealth, etc. .. But not everyone looks at what they already have ! This is true value and true happiness! Learn to appreciate what you have and life will smile at you! That's way i can sure say that i am happy and of course, I would like in my life there was a man with whom I will share my happiness)
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