This is international site, and first thought occurs with phrase “Language difference” is something about lost in translation between dwellers of different countries. But is it real trouble and obstacle? Now it is so easy to find decision of this problem: interpreter support, on-line translators and other convenient services. Even without leaving this site it is possible to buy foreign language lessons. So it is not a problem at all.
That’s why I want to say about another language detail: difference of men’s and women’s languages. It is a fact that same words and phrases may have very different meanings in the mouth of men and women. And it doesn’t depend of language. English, Ukrainian, French, Russian – it is doesn’t matter because the essence is not in words, but in different of psychologies. Many people think that it is terrible problems. But is it a problem? May be this is exactly that difference causes our planet to rotate? I am an engineer and some physical analogies is closer to me so let me to compare that difference with potential difference which generates electricity. No difference – no electricity. Stability and peace without moves which turn on our minds, bodies and hearts. And all of us is looking for that electricity. So our way of finding of understanding of each other is that electricity. It is …a love? Yes, I think so.
So let be positive about our “language difference”. It is not bad, and even reverse – very good. I wish you only one thing – exciting search of understanding of your soul mates. Our difference is our happiness and main reason of attraction.
Keep your search. But be careful – electricity can be dangerous. I know what I’m talking about.
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