If we do not feel happy and are afraid to lose something, we simply have no chance to find ourselves. It is important to understand that we really do not owe anything that can be lost, that's why there is no reason to be afraid. A thief stoles our valuable things, old age steals our beauty, diseases take away people, even the sun and stars are hiding behind the clouds. Having all the locks, prisons, laws, beauty creams, injections, drugs, telescopes and technologies we are powerless and… unhappy. The right of ownership is such an illusion, the concept itself is conditional. We deceive ourselves considering that other people can make us happy or unhappy. But this is not so! Happiness is something inside us and it's impossible to take, steal or lose it, we can only forget about it. It is we who define our life, we who allow ourselves to fall in love, love, believe, trust. Enjoying happiness or diving deeper into the ocean of misfortunes is only our own choice and free will. Life does not need to be complicated, life must be lived! Allow yourself to be happy . Do not seem, but namely, BE really and sincerely happy! And maybe it will be possible for you to be happy together? What do you think?
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