The fewer people in your life, the more valuable each of them is to you. The more a crooked word from a colleague gets touched, the more offensive a quarrel with a friend will be. The more painful the lack of feelings of a particular object towards you will hit. The fewer events in your life, the more valuable each event is for you. The more terrible the dismissal from work will seem. The tastier the chocolate will be. The more interesting the viewing of the series will be. Understand what “love” means to you. Desirable in detail. Because your love will always be what you think about it. Love should bring happiness to both, and it does not matter if it corresponds to generally accepted concepts; Any problem can always be solved amicably, if both want it and are ready to do something for this, any restrictions for the sake of love should ultimately bring each other joy, and not be a source of pain! There is no love right or wrong. Everyone has his own recipe for love. There is only love that either makes you happier or not. The main thing to remember: everyone receives in life precisely that love in which he deeply believes. It is a pity that we do not realize many of our deepest convictions and can learn about them only by the way they appear in the outside world, through experience. But nothing prevents us from learning from life and drawing conclusions!
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