Nothing beats a honeymoon in a relationship: you gently hold hands, don't get tired of kissing, confess to each other your feelings and look for meetings every minute. The sweet period of falling in love eventually ends. But a new level of relations is not a reason to abandon passion and concern for each other. Happy couples work every day to preserve romance and intimacy. 1. THEY ARE GOING TO SLEEP SIMULTANEOUSLY Remember the time when you just started dating and could not wait for the moment to embrace and go to bed next to you? Happy couples go to bed together, even if one of the partners wakes up much later than the other. 2. THEY FIND GENERAL INTERESTS He probably will not be able to share your passion for shopping, and you should not ask him to go fishing. But it’s very important that you enjoy spending time together. Tango or samba, making sushi or steaks, traveling to the ends of the world, fitness training, the new season of “Game of Thrones” - choose events that both can enjoy. 3. THEY KEEP HANDS Happy couples are always looking for intimacy. The most elementary manifestation of care is to hold hands during walks or gently grab a man by the waist. It is much more important to be here and now with your beloved than to go sightseeing alone or take a selfie while the second is weaving somewhere behind. Make these rules your habit. According to statistics, this takes 21 days of daily practice - then you can no longer do without them.
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