How many problems in relations arise from elementary understatement! Someone thought something, heard, wound themselves up and everything is a quarrel from scratch! You do not even always remember how it all began, but you will never forget the insults that were exchanged in the end. We forgot how to talk to each other! Listen and hear. It’s easier for us to build in our heads a whole scheme of the problems we have invented than to just talk heart to heart. We ourselves complicate completely simple things, easily hang labels and denigrate white. And we do not protect each other at all ... And when we lose, weep and complain about the injustice of life. But deep down everyone understands that he is to blame. After all, "keeping silent" is another tormenting question, you accumulate a sea of negativity in your heart, which one day will pour out of you in a stormy stream and destroy everything that is most dear to you. Or one by one you will undermine your relationship. But it’s so simple to sit down and talk.
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