No wonder, that the world is so mysterious place, and men are very different from women. The "yin and yang" theory explains why we are so drawn to each other all the time. This is a wonderful moment, when opposites attract and a certain light is lit between two people. So what so attracts a man. Some men only like the body, the outer wrapper. They are like children before Christmas, waiting for a gift in a shiny package. But not all gifts with bright bows are actually valuable. So it is with people: not all girls, who look beautiful are just as beautiful inside. Many men, fortunately, study their woman, read her like a book, with a great desire to know all her thoughts and desires. Sometimes, even having lived all his life with one woman, a man does not leave a feeling of mystery. He sees a riddle in her and he wants to solve it. This is a great art of a woman to always keep her man in good shape, in a state of desire. Any woman is a reflection of her man. If a man creates an atmosphere of comfort, adoration and interest for his beloved woman, then she will blossom in his hands like a fragrant rose. She will be full of innovative ideas, will try to look the best, be desirable for her man and, most importantly, will be true only to him. Remember the simple truth: happy people do not betray and do not deceive. If the relationship has a crack, then demand from both. Therefore, always think about your other half. Female charm and mystery completely depends on the attitude of a man to her. She will become a true friend, a passionate lover and a caring wife for someone, who will see in her femininity, affection and mystery! After all, it is important for every woman to know that a lifetime is not enough for her beloved man fully know her! Be happy, my dear! And at the end a little of my poetry: "She will be hot and cold like ice, So warm and far away at times, Be badly girl and very nice, She has a mystery deep eyes!"
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