Hello to all my readers! It is not a secret that not all relations we are starting can be successful, some can bring us happiness and satisfaction and others just make us suffer. Sometimes in the very beginning of being a couple you are too concentrated on your emotions and not notice some things that could show you if you and your partner arefully compatible. I will not mention the evident things – that there should not be any kind of physical or emotional violence, it is a priory inacceptable. But there are some signs that could show you if your relations are healthy and can have a future. 1. You are always open with your partner. You are not shy to share your inner feelings and emotions, you are certain that he will not judge you or laugh at you and the main thing – he will understand and support you. And of course – get the same from you in return. 2. You have time for yourself and your personal space – you maintain your own friends, hobbies and interests, as well as your partner. 3. You have quarrels – even the most successful couple has them – but you never hurt or insult each other, you never loose respect to your beloved and can have enough self-control not to drop to insults. 4. There is no envy or selfishness between you, you can be happy of your partner’s success as of your own! 5. You feel yourself calm and relaxed in his arms. Of course, passion and excitement are also present in your relations, but when you feel that you are safe and confident near him, then your couple will last long, very long and hopefully for a lifetime. These are the relationships I am looking for and hope to find soon here and also want to wish all of my readers to meet your second half that has same vision of perfect and healthy relations and never let her\him go! Hope you have something to add to my list, I will be very interested to know your opinion! And thanks for reading! Ekaterina
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