1. To be respected. One of the most frequent complaints of my male clients is their disrespect from their wives or lovers. They admit that it hurts them a lot. Men really need to be appreciated. And in our culture it is customary to have a positive attitude towards men who are truly respected. Therefore, do not forget to show respect to the partner. We all deserve to be appreciated by those who are dear to us. Men are waiting for us to be gentle and indulgent with them 2. To treat him kindly. If I received a dollar every time I hear from the client the phrase "I so want my wife to be more relaxed with me!" - I would have been rich for a long time. Our men are waiting for us to be gentle and condescending with them. And women dream about it. Let's meet each other for our own good. 3. To show interest in his inner world. Yes, of course, men from Mars, and women from Venus - this aspect of heterosexual relations has not been canceled. But to make your partner feel like you love him, show interest in what he considers important. Well, let you not like sports in general, or specifically golf. And when he begins to poison the bikes, you hardly suppress yawning. But try to make a good face in a bad game and behave as if it is interesting to you too. It is possible you will find that you have a lot more common interests than you thought. We all want to be loved as we are 4. To be accepted as he is. Let's admit that sometimes we are overly picky. Oh, what happened when I first took my husband to the shops, intending to renew his wardrobe ... All the time I hear stories of women telling men: “Why are you so boring?”, “Could you say something smarter?”, “ In my opinion, you are not overworked at work! ” We all want to be loved as we are. The next time you want to criticize your partner, remember that life is not an easy thing and we need to support each other. Keep this in mind and do not try too hard to change who is nearby. 5. That she be faithful to him. The need for loyalty to a partner is for all, without exception. We all have the right to count on it if our union is strong. I see in my practice how many hearts are broken due to infidelity. You might be surprised, but men really appreciate monogamy.
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