Why is it believed that the common phrase: "Nobody owes anything to anyone?" Is this an indicator of inner freedom and emancipation? Is it the norm? In my opinion is that it is disgusting to think so, being in a relationship! After all, people are social beings and entering into relations of any kind, YOU OWE SOMETHING TO SOMEONE! Because he gave hope, promised, fell in love, sealed with a word or a document. Because there is a conscience, personal dignity, and this has not been canceled. You let a person into your life, you allowed him to enter your life and entered into it - with this you made a commitment. Obligations to him and to himself. From some point on, you care about what happens to the person - you are together. Imagine yourself a climber, and how you shout to your partner, in a couple with you: “Hey friend, I hesitated, tired. Disconnecting you - I do not owe you anything.” Must. We owe it to our children because they did not ask us. We owe it to our parents because we didn’t ask them, but we live and enjoy life. We owe it to friends, because we did it to them. We owe it to those who said: “I love you”, and even when we didn’t say but entered into a relationship with a person. And there are no free relations. This term is for those with bad conscience and responsibility (now or in general). The word "relationship" suggests that you did not just happen to meet a person, you came into close contact, the protective shell melted - you are responsible for the protection of this vulnerability. If you are my girlfriend, I am responsible for ensuring that you do not rush under the train if you told me about your misfortune. I answer exactly fifty percent. And I will answer my best if I say: "Don’t load me, there are enough of your worries." If your woman is crying, it may not be because she is hysterical, but because you hurt her. It is her fault that she accepts this resentment, yours - what you said or did. Being in a relationship, we inevitably influence each other. Therefore, they must be responsible for this influence. As Antoine de Saint-Exupery wrote in a famous work: "We are responsible for those we tamed." And the implanted ideology of individualism leads to the destruction of any relationship. Instead of a friend, a psychoanalyst, instead of love - sex. When no one owes anything to anyone, living is easier. Duty and responsibility require mental work and a conscience.
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