Two wonderful, kind people with big brave hearts met each other on the life path. Between them tender feelings arose from which dizzy. Who are they to each other? At the very beginning of their love journey, they think that they are half of each other, that they cannot live without these feeling inside. Every day, there are nightly conversations, unexpected, pleasant surprises, compliments, tenderness, but at the same time a meeting of two temperamental characters, flashes of quarrels and then vivid reconciliation. Emotions go wild. But, what are they waiting for further? Everyone dreams of meeting someone, who wakes up a storm of emotions in his soul, touching his heart, and not just owning his body. But how often do such relationships succeed? Most often, the brighter the fire, the faster it burns out. I have the opportunity to judge about this. In my early years, I realized that games and drama are not for me, you cannot build strong and trustful relationships on them. Passion is like a drug. I knew a couple, who constantly quarreled and then had exciting acts of reconciliations. But over time, one of the partners wanted something more than just vivid emotions. The second partner tried to restrain himself, to be serious, but it was violence against himself, as he wanted to show emotions, and not to keep them in himself. But the difference is that a person did not know how to show his love and passion through actions, he only knew how to quarrel and to break all the good into smithereens, and then at the peak of emotions he puts up in bed. And it's all. It is sad to realize, but this person is emotionally ill and this is not always treatable. Now, in my life I try to find harmony. I want to be with a man, who will read me like a book, every day finding surprises in it and falling in love with me again and again. I will support him in everything and love him with all my cells. I will become a friend to him and will respect him. I don’t need scenes of jealousy, quarrels followed by trying on a physical level, I’m more interested in peace of minds. My dream is a person, who chooses to sit at home with me near the TV but not noisy parties, who will finish my phrases and understand me, before I tell about my thoughts. Just a man, who will love and take care of my heart. S, I wish you not to stop searching and believe that the best comes next. If you meet your man hold him as strong as you can and do not let go. I wish you happiness!
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