Many women will say that man should be beautiful, strong, muscules and sometimes even wealth is the main criterion(( It can be, but dont think that every woman wants it! My parents taught me that we need appreciate another criterias and now I understand how much they were right. Dad taught me that a man should be the head of family, that behind my man I should be like behind a stone wall, I should be a weak vessel, always feeling the care of my man. Mom taught that a man should take care of my feelings and help in the details, because then there will be no bored routine life without feelings, and there will be love and peace in the house if in couple support each other. I really want my man to be like it, I want that he is next me in difficult times, but I will always support him and give my love too. 🖤 I want mutual understanding between us, because it’s very important for the relationship, many people don’t understand how important it is to talk, yes just talk with each other, tell what is in your soul, disscus everything. Because only then the life partner can understand what is wrong in relationship and we together can change situation and find the compromisses so as not to injure each other. I also want to be with person with whom we have the same goals, because it is very important not to stand still, but to move in front, It's cool it is to set goals and achieve them together ☝🏻 I do not need the ideal, I want "my" man whom I can love, care and move in one direction.
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