Laugh and smile helps people find friends, improves health and prolongs life.
Often a good mood tend to optimists, so they are considered lucky. They all love them easy to work, communicate, and all because of a magic smile makes his case - and has attracted people.
"Infect" a smile
Smile - "contagious" virus. When you smile, smile always in response to you.
Swedish researchers have conducted an interesting experiment. He measured the activity of facial muscles in 120 volunteers. We had to frown, smile or maintain indifference, depending on what they saw on the screen: to express a feeling - the opposite of what they see in the picture - in response to frown smile and smile at the sight of a gloomy face. The results were very funny. It turned out that frown at the sight of an angry man is not difficult, but the smile in the same situation was much more difficult and vice versa. The subjects struggling to control the natural reaction, but the muscles unconsciously imitated what he saw in the picture expression.
Smile! A good smile can defuse almost any situation of conflict and calm the nerves.
Positive mood on
Each of us feels a great need for positive emotions. After all, they protect the body from stress. Remember - the smiling, loving life, people are generally easier to endure the daily troubles. Those who are able to adjust your body and mind on a wave of good cheer, live much better.
Of course, we can not always control events, but can always control your attitude toward them.
No depression
Smile - not only for the prevention of stress and depression. Even when physical ailments are patients who are more smiles, more quickly recover. Of course, the smile itself does not cure, but relieves the feeling of hopelessness and creates positive emotions, which ultimately help to recover. After all, smile relaxes muscles, promotes the release of endorphins ("pain killers") and a beneficial effect on the immune system.
Expose the liars
Studies have shown when people deliberately lied, they smile more often. This is because liars understand that most people associate a smile with fraud, and deliberately trying to smile less. The false smile appears genuine faster, lasts longer, like a liar put on a mask. Distinguish between a genuine smile from easy. Fake more pronounced on one side of the face. That part of the cerebral cortex, which is responsible for facial expression, is located in the right hemisphere. It sends signals primarily to the left side of the body. During a sincere smile brain affect both sides of the face, the smile is symmetric.
Prolong life
The habit of smiling can extend life by at least 7 years. After all, every smile prolong our existence for 15 minutes.
A positive attitude to reality, self-confidence and a positive view of others is really rewarded by long life. Only truly happy people can rely on the result.
Smile to your health!
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