My winter is full of bright emotions. Despite the cold season, my mood is very sunny. The holiday dedicated to all the lovers is approaching. For me it is a very joyful holiday. Although I don’t have a loved one right now, this holiday just warms my soul. This is another reason for everyone to spend time with their soulmate in a romantic setting. This holiday is only for you two. You can plan a romantic dinner together, also one of you can prepare a surprise evening) or plan some cultural and entertainment plan for the whole day, for you two. In my head there are so many ideas and plans for how to spend this day, it is a pity that I still have not found my love. But the year has just begun, and I hope that this year I will meet my love. I just want to say if you are truly in love, then you want to make your partner happy every day and you absolutely do not need any reasons for this. But sometimes you have a lot of trouble accumulating in everyday life and you just do not have enough time, sometimes you are busy with some business, and you forget to spend evenings in cozy romantic surroundings. On this day, everything is different, this is a short break in your daily rush, it is a reminder that you are officially disconnected from the outside world and left only to yourself and your loved one. As a girl, I really admire this day. I really like this setting. Love is in the air. Time freezes, there are no problems and no worries at this moment. You remain only together in this whole world, you, your soul mate and evening shrouded in love. There is nothing more important than a relationship. And you are completely drowned in feelings. Perhaps if you have not found your loved one yet, but you have sympathy for someone, then this holiday is a great occasion to make a acceptance in your feelings, to suggest someone to start a relationship on this day, I think this will be a good symbol for you two and will lay the foundation for a strong and long relationship. I remember different courtship. In school years, boys tossed little valentines and chocolates into girls' bags, thus speaking of their love. It’s so sweet, at that time it was their first man’s actions to win a lady’s heart. It’s very funny to remember such moments. In my youth, the guys did different crazy things for me in order to get my attention. So many good memories are left thanks to this day. But today I talk about this as an adult, conscious girl who wants to find her true love and year after year to celebrate this holiday with her beloved in his warm and strong arms. Tell me about your memories that you associate with Valentine's Day. Have you ever been truly in love? Perhaps you are in love now and you want to get advice from me to get your lady. Did you do anything crazy for your loved one? And how do you feel about this holiday? I want to know men's opinion. Indeed, by nature, men are a little stingy in the manifestation of romantic feelings. But perhaps it is namely you who agree with my thoughts and feelings, and for you this holiday brings as much joy as for me?
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