I am lucky girl- I have wonderful great- grandmother! She is wise woman,kind and keeps active style of life! I cannot say that she imposes her own opinion or experience and «teaches» me and other grandchildren and great-grandchildren how to live and what to do.Maybe that’s why it is real pleasure and very interesting to talk to her and listen to her. She has worked more than 50 years at the municipal Marriage Registration Office and has seen thousand of couples.She told me once that it is very easy to understand which couple will be happy in marriage and which couples won’t.You need just to ask bride very simply question- Why do you marry this man? And if the Bride answers that she will be happy with this man and wants to be loved by him-it is garantee that this marriage will not be sucessful.Only couples where Bride says that she marries the man because she wants to make him happy will make him happy have chance to live many many years together. I asked her if it means that woman must sacrifice herself in marriage? And I was told that yes. I was curiouse if it also means that marriage(wedding) is the end of romance and start of everyday routine based on self-sacrifice of woman? I hoped to hear that no.But Granny told me-Wedding is the starting point for girl to say goodbye to carefree girlhood and turn on female wisdom and to devote herself to husband and family.Marriage can be happy,sucсessful and long until death does part only if woman will be loving and wise.And what do you personally think about this? Is wedding start of absolut happiness or moment when woman must become wise and devote herself to marriage? What is the main secret of happiness in marriage according to you? Kristina
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