Lots of people are consumers, and they don’t care about others. In my humble opinion, that is wrong. We should care about each other, and then everyone will be satisfied. When a person gives a lot and gets nothing in response, the balance is ruined. You feel disappointed and you lose your hope. It should not happen like that! All of us deserve good attitude and polite communication. When it comes to relationships, it is much harder. Some scientists say that love can not be mutual: people love one by one. This selfish theory makes us believe that we can’t love each other at the same time... I can’t agree with it. I do really believe in mutual feelings. Both of partners can show their care, interest, affection. For example, you kiss me and I kiss you in response. You cook breakfast, I cook dinner. You bring small bouquet of tulips and I prepare a passionate dance for you. This is how relationships should work. If one of the partners shows all his love and another one just accepts attention with poker face, it will cause a toxic relationship. Nobody should suffer from love. This feeling should give wings, inspiration, motivation. Who needs toxic love? What for? I know some masochists, who prefer to make tragedy instead of healthy communication. They complain about their spouse, blame the whole world in bad luck and never try to fix the problem. Please, no drama. We should have a normal mental health, good mood and lots of happiness. This life is too short for tragedy and drama! So be a giver, not only receiver. And you will notice how your life can change!
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