I now know for sure that beauty is determined not by the eyes but by the heart. And the one who chooses a life partner only at a glance and an external gloss, then is forced to suffer. But not from the pain of non-reciprocity, but from one’s own mental blindness. After all, it used to happen to everyone that different feelings experienced by another person changed his appearance and our attitude to him. Love always makes a person beautiful! The object of love has a special look and voice. He moves smoothly and speaks softly. We like his movements and gestures. His smell and manner are remembered. We remember his touch. And when the stupefying fleur passes, what remains ?! In place of that beautiful stranger, a completely ordinary type arises. Nothing attractive and not standing out from the crowd. In general, a stranger is not an attractive individual. But this is the same person, only already recognized and not come to the court. He is the same, only the attitude towards him is different. And all that was needed was to immediately look behind the screen, inside, and only after that wrap oneself in love. But only not the body, but the soul, turn out to be it own. But we don’t have patience. Conditions are dictated by rushing weekdays ... And a man is by nature so structured that he needs to know the world blindly. He needs to learn to hear and feel what surrounds him, to feel it tactilely and sincerely. But in order to learn this, it is not enough to be able to use only one tool - the eyes, you still need to connect, the hearing, in order to understand what the world around you and your loved one convey to you. And the soul must be opened in order to perceive what it can give. And yet there are many subtleties, the smallest details of cognition of the world, to which we do not pay attention at all, considering them not important. And they are precisely the foundation of our life. Well, in fact, what can be determined by the type of person? Just whether it matches our concepts of beauty and whether we like its appearance as a whole. It's all. Eyes will not give more information! Everything deeper is already a level of perception. The way a person presents himself, how he says, what he talks about, how he smiles, what impresses him, and how his surprised eyebrows soar, how he thinks and how strictly frowns his forehead, how he covers his eyes when goes into the depths of himself, as he pauses and takes a deep breath, intending to talk about something hidden - all this already says that you want to look into his soul, to continue recognition at a deeper level. If you start to notice little things, and you like them, then your soul has gone forward. And that is wonderful. But those whose process stops at the level of visual assessment, alas, will be forced to suffer and be disappointed because there are continuous illusions ... Tons of expectations and personal ideas about how a person with similar external data should be superimposed on a beautiful picture. Your submissions! And then, once, a metamorphosis occurs, and the person, instead of matching your inventions, just remains himself. And then what they say, after a while ?! That's right, I thought you were not like that. Yes you weren’t mistaken, but just didn’t want to look deeper content with the outer shell. And why am I writing all this? Yes, for the fact that more and more I see that superficiality has become the norm! And suffering draws people in like a spider web. Extra unnecessary torment and questions that can be avoided, just learning to be a little deeper, more responsible and bold in your choice and the decisions that we make every day. And especially those that seem insignificant! Because it will be they who will later serve as the foundation of the future to which each of us will come ... Let's look deeper...
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