Want to get rid of stress?
id: 10038609

That’s not a secret that our life is full of stress. Many things make a person feel stressed: work, problems in family/relationship. It’s a proven fact that if you take all things close to your heart then it may lead to problems with your health. Being stressed makes your life shorter. I guess you think that it's impossible to live without stress and you are right. The thing we should do is to get rid of stress as soon as it will be possible. I know the way which helps me to feel comfortable and to restore my mental health. It’s taking a bath. Surprised?)))) I have a new and big bath at home. Taking a shower fills me with energy but taking a bath is a completely different thing. It's about pleasure:) Its about drowning into the water which refreshes me from the inside if you know what I mean. But it's necessary to create the right atmosphere in the bathroom before taking a bath. I take a drink and turn on a lounge music radio. I like different music but lounge music fits into taking a bath the best! The temperature of the water should be comfortable with your body. Not too hot or cold. I close my eyes and feel that endless stream taking me far away. This magic stream takes all of my negative thoughts and I feel like a new person after taking a bath. I find solutions and solve all problems easily. You may try it too! I also heard that taking a bath with a man is a great thing. It did not happen to me before but it may happen in the future. We will see)
