They say that Russians in any country in the world can be recognized by a worried expression on their faces. And I think there is some truth to this. We do not know how to live here and now - we are always thoughts in the future and dramatically relive every moment of it. The concern of tomorrow is inherited by us from past generations. Psychologists have even come up with a name for this phenomenon - "transgenerational transmission." In times of war, repression, devaluation and putsch, it was vital to think a few steps ahead. And in order to have the strength to cope with the hardships of everyday life, it was required to remain healthy and young. To be old meant to become weak, poor and perish. The delusions of impoverishment are one of the most common psychiatric disorders in older women. That is why some grandmothers hide products under the mattress and clog the pantry with supplies. Men, by the way, are equally affected by the delirium of jealousy. Sources of income in old age are really limited: a pension, disability benefits, material assistance. It is worth taking care of financial well-being in old age while you are young. What will feed you? Rental of apartments, interest on deposits, your own business. For some, their own children are a successful investment project that provides a decent old age. Life is not eternal. For each of us, the day will come when we will leave this world. But they will say about someone “Finally I’m exhausted ...”, and they will admire others and set an example even after death. We wish each other a long youth that does not contradict wise maturity.
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