A man loves a woman as part of himself. In other words, like your hand. A man who loves his hand will not say: “What a beauty you are, smart girl, how thin you are, this bracelet suits you so much!” At the same time, if someone tries to take this hand away from him or injure him, he will protect it. Treat when it hurts. After all, he needs this hand, he loves it, does not separate it from himself. A man loves a woman as part of himself. He does not constantly shower her with compliments, but if something happened to her, he will immediately come to the rescue. If, meeting for some time with a man, you appear with him in society and he says: “This is Katya” or “This is my girlfriend”, that’s not it. When a man does not say “mine” about you at all, his attitude is clear. But if he says about you: “This is my woman”, “My girlfriend”, “My bride”, “My future wife”, then this is just wonderful. Having appropriated the title, he “marked you”. And this is good. Women who retain their beauty and their relationships, as well as calm, balanced evoke more emotions, because it is not clear what is in their head. And men love intrigue. There are millions of beautiful women, unhappy in love, and there are ugly, without education, who turn their heads to men. I saw such a fatal woman, some kind of magnetism came from her directly. You can learn magnetism, but initially it is with someone, but it is not with someone. This is an internal impulse followed by men admired by other women. It necessarily includes factors such as volitional qualities, the taming of one’s emotions. A woman who is prone to emotions in the form of critical attacks, rage, etc., does not look cool and does not care about a man. Yes, she’s pretty, you can sleep with her, stir up an affair. But such a woman will not cause admiration, from which she will be breathtaking. She is predictable. Women's love withstands any test. Time, circumstances, logic. Man's love is simpler. It is more practical, no frills.
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