1. As often as possible communicate with the child. Feeling on the same wavelength with the child, being aware of even the most minor events of his life is the main rule of good parenthood. It seems that you already understood everything about your baby, and he suddenly throws something completely new! Children grow up quickly, which means that you must always be very careful and ready for unexpected changes. 2. Be consistent. Children love predictability. The regime, established restrictions give them a sense of order and security in the world around them. Clear rules help to avoid conflicts and punishments. If the baby slapped you slightly, do not reassure yourself that he is still small and does not understand what he is doing. Each time patiently take his pen away and say that you can’t do this. And if he persists, punish him by sending him to another room. And do not forget to explain to the child why you need to behave this way and not otherwise. 3. At every opportunity, show your love. Emotional openness in education is even more important than consistency. When a child knows that mom and dad love him no matter what, he is not so scared if they suddenly get angry. 4. Show flexibility Many parents constantly hesitate between the need to follow the established rules and the desire to give in to the child, to make him an indulgence. Show flexibility: remember that there are exceptions to any rule. 5. Be informed. Good parents can instinctively find the right solution. And for this, you need to be as informed as possible about the capabilities and abilities of the baby at each particular age.Uninformed parents almost always overestimate their child and often experience disappointment. Fortunately, today there is an abundance of literature on parenting. So long live the knowledge! And do not neglect such a valuable source of information as grandparents, friends, colleagues and neighbors. 6. Give yourself the right to respite. Caring for children requires tremendous exertion of physical and mental strength. Of course, you can endure everything out of love for the child, but if the baby sees what it costs you, how exhausted and nervous you are, he thinks: "Mom is very tired, and all this is because of me." If you take the time to relax and have fun, the child will understand that other people have their own needs that must be respected. Sometimes, in order to feel like a good parent again, you just need to relax a bit. Just say, "Now I'm tired and want to lie down for 15 minutes." Be sure - the baby will understand you!
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