I think the idea that marriage isn't valued anymore is because people are so quick to decide to be a couple and so quick to split at any sign that things aren't all rainbows and unicorns. Do you actually know the person you are going to marry, how much time have you spent with them, have you really talked about important things with them? People seem to think "oh we spent almost 24 hours a day together for the last 2 weeks" like it is a long time. It's not, at all. Marriage is supposed to be a lifetime, maybe you could date a couple years and be engaged a year or two? At least? This seems like an eternity to people now, and therein lies the issue. Marriage is not a 100 meter dash, it is a marathon. If you prepare for a short race, you are going to struggle in a long one (or fail to finish it). The sad fact is, no matter what you choose with your half, people will judge you. Because people are judgy. And people are jerks. So this point is less of something to consider and more of something to be aware of and prepare mentally for. People will judge you if you change your name. They'll say you are too old-fashioned. People will judge you if you don't change your name. They'll say you're not embracing your marriage and that you don't love your spouse. Like I said, people are jerks. Don't let anyone else's opinion of you or your life impact what you do with you or your life. You're never going to be able to please everyone, so there is really no point in trying. Do what make you happy and listen to your heart! Just heart knows the right way!
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