They say that there are two kinds of talent-when you create a masterpiece yourself and when you are able to notice and appreciate the talent of others passing their creation through the heart and soul.In this case, I am very talented girl: I like to read outstanding books and I am able to accept value of them.The whole wisdom of life, the whole essence of the experience and knowledge necessary for people is enclosed in them - we only need to be attentive and just accept this wisdom.I want to offer you a parable that has come to us from immemorial times,but,despite its antiquity,it is always relevant: ...Once upon a time there was an island on Earth on which all spiritual and moral values and feelings lived. But once they noticed that the island began to go under water. All valuables boarded their ships and sailed away. Only Love remained on the island. Love waited until the last, but when there was nothing left to wait, Love also wanted to sail away from the island. Then Love called Wealth and asked to go to his ship, but Wealth answered: "There are a lot of jewelry and gold on my ship, there is no place for you here." When the ship of Sadness sailed past, Love asked her, but she answered her: "I'm sorry, Love, I'm so sad that I need to always be alone." Then Love saw the Pride's ship and asked for her help, but she said that Love would break the harmony on her ship. Joy floated nearby, but she was so busy with fun that she did not even hear about the calls of Love. Then Love completely despaired. But suddenly she heard a voice somewhere behind: "Come, Love, I will take you with me." Love turned around and saw the old man. He took her to dry land, and when the elder swam away, Love caught her eye, for she forgot to ask his name. Then she turned to Knowledge: - Tell me, Knowledge, who saved me? Who was this old man? Cognition looked at Love: - It was Time. - Time? - asked again Love. “But why did it save me?” Knowledge once again looked at Love, then into the distance, where the old man sailed: - Because only Time knows how important and valuable Love is in life ... I wish you to find and value Love. Kristina
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