Hello! Since this site has a lot of people from different countries, I decided to share with all the information that is useful to everyone. Maybe someone will go by, but someone will read this and be safer. Now in the world there is a very large-scale epidemic of the covid19 virus, I think that people should be more aware of this in order to protect themselves and their loved ones. First, no need to panic, Yes, covid19 is very contagious, but no more deadly than ordinary types of flu. The recommendations are as follows: 1. Wash hands frequently, use antibacterial gel 2. Avoid greetings with hands or kisses, avoid coughing or sneezing without a handkerchief 3. After walking along the street, it is advisable to wash clothes and do house cleaning more often. 4. Keep 3 meters from people in public places or in places where you communicate with people. Many coronavirus carriers show no symptoms during the first 2-14 days 5. Avoid people who cough, have a fever or sneeze 6. drink plenty of water and eat fruits, mainly orange, lemon, lime, guava, grapefruit. 7. Do not eat foods that have been cooked in a restaurant or in places for walking 8. Wear antibacterial wipes to wipe your hands in public places. 9. Seek medical attention immediately if the following symptoms of cough, fever, and shortness of breath appear. I want as many people as possible to read these precautionary rules and it will really save someone’s life. I hope that soon scientists will come up with medicines and this epidemic will end. Take care of yourself and your loved ones.
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