I think it is not truth when people say that ability to love is natural and we all born able to love and build relationships. In my opinion, the ability to love can be developed in yourself,can be learnt.This is great if you grew up in a family where your parents,grandparents were exemplary couples and bright, happy relationships between them took place in front of your eyes.But unfortunately not everyone is so lucky, and many of us demand, need "lessons of love". Need to know what is real true love is and how tgo love and accept love.Of course many people live and do not even think about it. But if we force our hearts and souls to learn how to love, if we force ourselves to "train" ourselves in the ability to love and build relationships, there will be much more happy love stories.I learn the art of love from books. I love to plunge into the romantic, breathtaking world of the beauty of the soul and passion for life.The story of Jane Eyre and Rochester, Scarlett O'Hara and Rhett Butler, Napoleon and Josephine, Romeo and Juliet, Tristan and Isolda, Elizabeth Bennet and Darcy, Maria and Pierre Curie, Queen Victoria and Prince Albert-read please and you will find your favorite love story! Almost every book has its own wonderful beautiful love story! Reading is your personal teacher and trainer! Do not forget that not only our body requires training and care in order to be healthy, beautiful and in good shape! Our heart also requires "training" and "teaching" to be in good shape and be able to love! I hope that each of us will be able on real true love) Kristina)
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