Reliability is not only that, for example, you do not play gambling or, if it is a long-term relationship, you have never cheated on her. Where it comes to courtship and marriage, the meaning of reliability is as follows: you are exactly who you say you are, and your words do not diverge from the deed. Here, concepts such as trust, responsibility and the absence of attempts to seem not to who you really are are highlighted. Reliability is built through an emotional connection. A woman needs a man who will be next to her when she needs him, who is ready to take an interest in her and take care of her. Women want to be respected, listened to and connected with them. Give your woman your undivided attention. This means this: if she wants to talk with you, take your mind off the computer toy, put the mobile phone aside and demonstrate how important she is to you and what she tells you. Your task is understanding, and understanding can be achieved by asking questions. If your companion complains about her best friend, do not offer her a ready-made solution, do not laugh it off and do not perceive the problem as insignificant. Ask questions about how she feels and what it all means to her. You need to show true interest, try to understand why this is so important to her. Men believe that discussing negative emotions makes no sense, because it is much better to find a solution to the problem and forget about it. But for women, emotions are an opportunity to establish close contact. Try to remember this the next time your companion wants to share her feelings. Highest skills Maybe you don’t know how to fight with nunchucks, shoot from a hunting bow or hack into sites like a cool hacker. But, no matter what you can do, women will be fascinated by mastery, if you can demonstrate it in what is interesting to you. In other words, if you collect stamps, become the most famous and status collector. If you collect garbage, become the most famous, knowledgeable and powerful garbage collector. Women are attracted to men who know how to become president and head ... of themselves. We offer you to help the contrast "Clark Kent / Superman." Clark Kent was nervous: he stuttered, fussed, mumbled, and as a result did not like the girl. And in the guise of Superman, he behaved confidently, occupied a large space and fought without hesitation with the bad guys. Women seek a Hero, not Zero without a wand. Take the example of Superman. Compliments The author of the humorous column, Dave Barry, says that the only decent answer when a woman asks you: “Does this dress make me feel fat?” - fall to the floor and depict a heart attack. All men hear similar questions, but one cannot portray the patient year after year! The real answer to this question - the answer of the Hero - is: "You are beautiful, and it does not matter what you wear." The only way. There is no other answer. You, as a man, may think it’s fun to make jokes about the donut she eaten or the size of her hips. So, nothing funny. And for every statement that detracts from its dignity, you have to pay hundreds of compliments. Nothing hurts a woman deeper than criticism about her appearance. Man - The Dream of Any Woman never allows herself that. Quarreling Studies have shown that female anger usually stems from one of three main causes: the helplessness, injustice, and irresponsibility of others. When you do not listen to your woman, she begins to get angry because she feels helpless. When you do not treat her as equal or betray her trust, she feels injustice and, accordingly, gets angry. When you do not arrive on time (the irresponsibility of others), she is angry with you. Imagine you are trying at the end of the day to watch a sports channel, and then the woman says: "You never listen to me." If you were a cartoon hero, your face would blush at that moment, and steam would pour out of your eyes. In such cases, the heroes apply three simple strategies, which, as proven scientifically, can reduce the pulse. First, take a few deep breaths. Second, count to ten. If you still see that you have not lost the desire for a verbal attack on your woman, then there is a third strategy: take a timeout. I need to say something like this: “You know what, right now I have no strength to listen to you. I will be back in half an hour, and we will continue. " Dreams Women too often sacrifice their dreams in the name of family and relationships, or simply because in our society, the dreams of women are not given worthy value, especially if they are not connected with the career of a wife or mother. But the dreams of any person are important. Your dreams are important. And her too. Studies show that the duration and success of a relationship depends on how much each person can respect the goals of the other. If you do not respect her dreams and are not ready to do everything in your power to help them fulfill, then suddenly find yourself next to a defeated, lowered hand, suffering from depression woman. Any man strives to be close to the one who is happy and full of love for life. If you do not know what she dreams about, ask. And then move the mountains, if necessary, but help her realize
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