We all know that the best job is a favorite job, which brings not only a salary but also pleasure. That is why, if your hobby also brings income, you can say that you are a happy person !!! Even keeping pets is a real hobby. For example, I have a dog, I adore her! I also had fish. There are no boundaries for choosing a hobby it can be anything, if you were interested in it and were satisfied! Here is a short list that can be a real hobby and hobbies: -sport -creation -Pets -games and much more. For example, my hobby is sports. I can not imagine life without it. Therefore, I spend a lot of time in the gym. There I get not only physical satisfaction nl and a charge of vital energy! In life, there is always something to do, and for everyone there is a favorite pastime. You just need to look into yourself and hear your inner voice, listen and go to meet an occupation that is right for you! Remember that no matter how old you are, it is never too late to find a new, interesting hobby for yourself and start life in a new world!
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