The Internet has changed our world view and attitude, and sometimes we have no idea how to get the information which interested us without the Internet.
Therefore it seems logical that the Internet has penetrated into such area of human relationships, as personal liking and love. Many dating sites offer to find a communication partner and start a relationship to everybody who wishes this.
What is the difference between love on the Internet on the real relationship, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of virtual love?
Let’s start with benefits.
You are free to choose with whom you communicate and build relationships. Usually dating sites offer a very wide choice of candidates, and your task – to choose someone who you most interested in.
Besides, communicating through the Internet, you can lightly embellish your dignities, but if you focus on long-term relationship, this is not recommended to do, because during a real meeting the person will see at once all falseness which you tried to give out for the truth.
Another advantage of the relations through the Internet – an openness of the people (of course, if they wish to open). Through the Internet, you can express the thoughts which you never would dare to publish in the real life.
As to the depth of feelings, it could grasp no less than the relationship in real life. People are waiting for virtual flirt with each other, counting the days, hours, minutes.
However, there are also negative aspects.
Speaking through the Internet, we do not see the interlocutor, does not hear his voice and the picture in the profile may not accurately transmit the nuances of his appearance.
Often, people give out themselves not for those who they actually are, and when it comes to the real meeting (if comes, of course) severe disappointment comes.
In addition, frequently your interlocutor may be thousands of miles away from you in another city or even in another country.
So my advice to you: do not think that love through the Internet – is the fate of losers, boldly meet people and start virtual affairs. The main thing – is do not be afraid and go boldly forward to the intended goal!
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