Now, due to the fact that many industries do not work, most people are at home, and use transport less, there is less environmental pollution - nature has begun to come to life, in Venice the water has become cleaner, the sea in many places has also become much cleaner due to the lack of tourists, rare animals began to appear which had not been seen so often before. I had thoughts, maybe this virus appeared artificially and it is beneficial for someone, people have different opinions about this, but I think that maybe our planet is just tired of the constant bullying on the part of humanity and just wants to relax a bit. We all need to think about how we live, during quarantine we will have enough time to think, we need to devote more time to close people, we need to take care of personal hygiene, pay special attention to the environment and if every person on the planet is a little kinder and more attentive to the above listed, humanity will have fewer problems.
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