So, what is happiness? Happiness is a person’s state that corresponds to the most inner satisfaction, the condition of his life, the meaningfulness of life, vocation and self-realization. A person understands that his life is full! When a person is happy, it seems to him that he can do a lot! Such a person’s eyes sparkle, a smile sparkles! He wants to help others and make them happy. There are two ways of happiness: the external and the internal. We will give out only outward happiness. This is good housing, good work, good friends, expensive clothes, expensive car. Of course, all this can make a person happy! But such happiness cannot be as long as we would like. The second path to happiness is the path of spiritual development, and it allows you to achieve inner happiness. These paths are not equivalent. But without inner happiness, external is not last a long time! If a black streak comes in your life, something is missing for your heart, you won’t be happy no matter how luxurious you surround yourself. But if you have inner peace, you can find happiness even in the most difficult conditions !!! To summarize: Happiness is a combination of how much you enjoy your life and how much you feel good every day. Be happy !!!
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