When a person is healthy, he does not notice how he breathes. It should be so! If something worries you in your own breath, do not reassure yourself with the thought, which probably just seemed to you, - do breathing exercises according to one or another system. Believe me, there is plenty to choose from! Breathing exercises heals not only the lungs, but the whole organism: each of its cells depends on how efficiently the respiratory system works. Contrary to the name, the task is for the lungs - not their lungs. For a minute they pass 4-6 liters of air through themselves, during exercise this indicator (minute volume of breathing) can increase up to 30 liters, and at maximum effort - up to 150 liters! The authors of all kinds of breathing practices argue that most of us simply ... cannot breathe. The problem is that we breathe too often, shallowly and involuntarily hold our breath or exhale, knocking the lungs off the right rhythm and impairing their ventilation. This type of breathing is called superficial. As a result, the respiratory system does not have time to ventilate: fresh air enters only the external sections, while in the rest it stagnates and is practically not renewed. Hence, frequent colds, drowsiness, fatigue, poor mood, increased sensitivity to stress and many other problems. To get rid of them, you need to learn how to breathe correctly. Follow the rhythm of breathing - the ratio of inspiration and expiration, pauses in this cycle. An integral part of all varieties of yoga, established in ancient times. Ventilating the lungs is especially important in an artificial environment - for example, in an office or transport: there is not enough moisture in the air-conditioned air, and oxygen is not enough if there is no influx from the outside: so it will be very useful! Proper breathing increases the supply of oxygen to the brain and muscles, sets the rhythm for movements, helps to move from one pose to another, and promotes growth.
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