On the wedding of my older sister my father congratulated just married couple and wished them to love each other and to have shared dream.He told that love will live till both have this shared dream.As long as you have common goals, common desires and both strive for one dream, your love and relationship will live.This short wish to have a common dream has embraced so many different aspects of the couple’s family life.While you both want to buy or build a new house, buy new furniture, place a garden or get a dog, your family future will be bright and happy.A common goal unites and motivates. A common goal gives the feeling that your spouse and you are not two separate people, but you are one strong family.The basis of a strong happy family is-"togetherness".After my sister’s wedding, I asked my father if this was the main secret of family happiness with my mother and my father replied that only loving people can have a common goal, common dreams. People who understand, value and protect each other will always be able to support partner in his or her wish.My daddy told that always when he "created" the goal or dream,mother supported him and did all her best to make it true and real. In turn, the father always supported mother in her desires, even when they seemed crazy) Father often recalls with a smile how he supported our mother in her desire to engage in bee breeding and honey production, nothing came of this venture, but now they always remember how they both looked after bee stings) Each couple is unique and individual, each has its own romance and passion, each has its own love and opportunities, but what unites all the happy marriage unions that have passed through the years are common desires, goals and dreams. Wish you to find your beloved and to have common dream! Kristina
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