When a crisis comes into your life, you should sort out all the facts in their places and understand what is the best way to act in this position in which you find yourself in order to turn the crisis time to your advantage. Now I'm talking about the current situation in the world with the virus. For myself, during this time I made many useful conclusions. And a lot of useful actions regarding my life. I do not intend to stop. Many people have ceased to devote time to their development, rest for the benefit of themselves. Stopped being alone with yourself. They ceased to understand themselves and hear their true desires. Isolation is a wonderful time for self-development. You can do many things that have been put aside for a long time in a distant box. Now is the time to do something unusual for you. You own free time more than ever. Read a book that your hands didn’t reach. Or maybe you write your own book? What will it be? Novel? Autobiography? In any case, it will be the result of your activity. Review your favorite series from season one. Think about changing your image. And many other things for which you constantly did not have enough time. The important thing that I want to say about is that even in the most unexpected situation, in an unusual environment for you, you should look for the pluses from the circumstances in which you find yourself. I will be glad to discuss this topic with you. Do you support my thoughts? Or do you think I'm wrong?) I wish you the best. Irina
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