The English proverb says: "A gentleman is one who never speaks this word." However, it is difficult not to argue with this: men who do not have the given word in their vocabulary are not at all such. Everyone knows who under no circumstances should be given such a definition. But who is a gentleman? Is it in our time? If not, where did he go? And in general, what was originally known about him? Oscar Wilde says: "A gentleman is a person who will never offend his neighbor without intention." So should not all people develop this quality in themselves? At school, everyone had this subject: ethics. It was at such lessons that they taught how to behave in society or in unity with a lady. Lovely men of our time, have you really missed these classes? These words of mine are dedicated to urge our dear men to make everyone think for a moment how they communicate with women ... That is, any lady here, looking for love, tries to attract attention, but often hears silence or rudeness in response! How is that possible? I do not understand. In my family, my father always gave my mother a coat, opened the door, moved a chair ... And now, even in simple communication on the site, we cannot show our best qualities. Many girls will understand me. So, dear man, if someone reads my blog, I suggest learning a phrase from Grace Kelly: “A gentleman is a man who always looks as polite as he always is.” So we will, dear men :)
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