*my thoughts*
id: 10039542

Hello! How are you? How is your quarantine going? In my blog, I would like to share my personal feelings and thoughts about happiness in personal life! :) In a relationship, one does not need to blindly follow the rules; you need to build on the rules, creating your own new rules! Do you agree? So... it’s not meticulous adherence to the said rules that makes the couple happy, but the creation on their basis of their own, unique... Trust, complete immersion in each other and unity with a partner is a very important thing, and there can be no relationship without it. Because any relationship should be built on trust. And also on understanding each other. You need to forget about the lies, be as frank as possible with each other. Then it will turn out to feel calm and comfortable. If conflicts arise in a couple, they must be resolved immediately. I believe that all people do not need to accumulate a grudge inside. Taking a loved one for granted, as what is already in life, is a mistake. You need to appreciate what you have and cherish your loved one. Then you can feel the happiness! Appreciate every moment spent together, every minute! With love, Aly
